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Essex Power Corporation


Essex Power and its Group of Companies are continuously innovating its product and services to transform into a 21st Century Digital Utility. Through the use of emerging technologies, distributed energy resources, and software engineering and design, the 21st Century Digital Utility will be accomplished and will help bring data connectivity and automation to local distribution companies alike. The end result will be a fully automated and seamless operation that provides grid reliability and flexibility to customers. Read more by clicking one of the options below.   

Industrial technology concept.
Industrial technology concept.

21st Century Digital Utility

Electricity is the single largest enabler for advancement in technology and improvements to quality of life, but is currently in a major state of change. The energy industry has been rapidly evolving over the past 5 years, moving from a more traditional poles-and-wires company to a more consumer-centric, adaptive and advanced utility.

Smart Grid Innovation

Smart Grid Innovation

Grid resiliency is key in supporting grid reliability, electricity generation, transmission and distribution. To achieve resiliency across the province and across Canada, and to ensure reliability of the grid through severe weather events, utilities and technology companies alike are urged to come up with solutions for grid modernization and decentralization.